Get in touch

Please get in touch via e-mail (click the contact me button below) if you are interested in my supervision services.

I am not currently offering clinical work privately (i.e. I am not offering assessment or therapy/treatment services).

Crisis support

Please note that I am
unable to provide any emergency or crisis support services. If in need of crisis support, please present to your local hospital emergency department, or contact your local crisis assessment and triage team, emergency services (ph: 000) or one of the phone numbers provided below.

13 YARN (support for First Nations people) ph: 13 92 76
1800 RESPECT (family violence/sexual assault) ph: 1800 737 732
Kids Helpline (25 and under) ph: 1800 55 1800
Lifeline (crisis support) ph: 13 11 14
MensLine ph: 1300 78 99 78 
Safe Steps (family violence) ph: 1800 015 188
Sexual assault crisis line (Victoria) ph: 1800 806 292
Suicide call back service ph: 1300 659 467 

Other support services

Autism Connect (national autism helpline) ph: 1300 308 699
Butterfly Foundation (eating disorders) ph: 1800 334673
DirectLine (alcohol and drug support) ph: 1800 888 236
Eating Disorders Victoria ph: 1300 550 236
QLife (LGBTIQA+) ph: 1800 184 527
SANE (complex mental health support) ph: 1800 187 263
Tandem (carers/family/supports) ph: 1800 314 325